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북한 조선하나전자합영회사의 DVDP


2016년 3월, 서울행정법원이 방송통신심의위원회가 처분했던 노스코리아테크(www.northkoreatech.org) 접속차단이 위법하다고 판결하였고 이제는 상시 접속, 열람할 수 있다.

슬쩍 보기에도 약간의 호기심을 충족시키는 정보들 외에는 눈 부라리며 꺼릴 만한 특별한 것(?)은 없는 사이트. 남북 화해와 통일에 대한 갈망을 생각한다면 그리고 이 시대의 흐름을 생각한다면 동포들 사는 사회를, 북한의 기술 등을 무조건적으로 폄하하거나 부정할 것은 아니라고 본다.

아무튼 그 사이트에 2003년, 북한 문화성과 영국 Phoenix Commercial Ventures가 50대 50 합작으로 가정용 기기들 생산하는 사업을 시작했더라는 언급이 있었고 더 찾아보니… 2015년 9월, PCV가 자신들의 사이트(www.phoenixcommercialventures.eu)를 통해 다소 신경질적인 문투로, 해당 사업의 중단을 알리고 있더라. 오호라.. 이질적인 두 세상, 만남의 지속이라는 게 그리 쉽지 만은 않았던 모양.

그러든 말든. 이하는 내친 김에 추려본 북한 하나전자의 활동상들. (표제부 사진은 DVDP 초기화면. 자료들의 공용 출처 : http://www.phoenixcommercialventures.eu/hana-electronics-jvc-2/)

(출처 : https://www.northkoreatech.org/2015/05/26/hana-electronics-venture-profiled/)

(촌스럽지만 그들은 진지하게 만들었을 로고)

(일본 애니메이션 ‘폼포코 너구리 대작전’의 주인공도… 이 동물이 정말 영리한가 보다)

(하나전자는 삼성, LG 정도 위상의 기업. TV, 노래방 기기, CD/DVD 등 ‘문화’ 키워드 제품들을 만든다. 출처 : https://nypost.com/2018/08/27/an-inside-look-at-north-koreas-official-shopping-catalog/)

(하나전자 제품들을 판매하는 양판점. 오디오는? 출처 : https://observer.com/2015/11/8-days-in-north-korea-welcome-to-the-worlds-most-isolated-civilization/)

다음은 PCV 사이트에서 직접 소개하고 있는 하나전자의 업력.

Hana was established in May 2003. In 2004 it began manufacturing and selling DVD and VCD players, as well as pressing and selling CD’s.

When the company first began operations it employed barely a handful of people. Now it employs over 200 people, and has thus become a major employer with significant social responsibilities which it takes very seriously.

Hana have established a nationwide distribution network throughout the major cities in the DPRK. Whilst they manufactured and marketed CD’s, they had an exclusive long term contract with the Mansudae Arts Centre, which belongs to the Ministry of Culture, one of the partners in the JV, for 300 works including; movies, karaoke and other music.

They now produce and sell a range of DVD players, and will move into other consumer electronics products.

Hana is now ranked as one of the top three best performing joint ventures in DPRK, as assessed by the Ministry of Finance.

Hana is proud to have introduced a number of firsts, which show the evolution of the DPRK to a market economy. These include:

• Advertising – the Hana logo, together with the company’s telephone number, appear on every product and packing case

• Offering a guarantee – Hana has also introduced a six-month, no questions asked, guarantee on all products

• Distribution System – Hana have gradually established, from a zero base, a distribution system covering the whole country. They have set up sales offices – for example, in Chongjin, they now have one main office and 13 sub-branches; in Hamhung, they have one main office and 3 sub-offices, and also have offices in Nampo, Sariwon and Sinuiju. They plan to open more outlets, first in the other provincial cities, then in the smaller county seats

• Hana intends to diversify and expand their range of products.

• Hana moved into its newly constructed building, next to the T’ongil Market, in Q1 2011.

• Hana has also opened a restaurant (“The Restaurant at Hana”) and leisure facilities (including a swimming pool) in its new building. The restaurant and leisure facilities are open to locals and foreigners alike.


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